New Industrial Automation Techniques

Since 1995, a company committed to innovation

years of experience
Nutai recognized as an innovative SME by the government of Spain

CIAC Award for Best Innovation Strategy

NUTAI has been awarded the CIAC Prize for Best Innovation Strategy during the Míting d’Auto, within the framework of the tenth anniversary of the Catalonia Automotive Industry Cluster (CIAC).

These awards, organized by the CIAC, emphasize the crucial role of companies in driving competitiveness in the Catalan automotive industry. In this context, NUTAI stands out for its exceptional innovation strategy, positioning itself as a key benchmark contributing to the progress and ongoing transformation of the automotive industry in Catalonia.

Nutai recibe el premio a la mejor estrategia de innovación por el clúster de la automoción de Cataluña
Nutai recibe el premio a la mejor estrategia de innovación otorgada por el CIAC - clúster de la automoción de cataluña
Noche del Motor 2022

Award for Innovation in Sustainable and Connected Mobility

NUTAI is an engineering company that has participated in numerous innovation projects related to electric mobility, use of batteries and their recycling, autonomous mobility and in the technologies applied to these projects such as 5G connections and the Smart City concept. It is worth mentioning its participation in two of the PERTE on electric vehicles convened through the Next Generation funds and its contribution to the RETEBAVE project, which seeks a second life for electric vehicle batteries or, failing that, a sustainable recycling.


Innovative SME

NUTAI is, since 2016, officially recognized as an Innovative SME by the Government of Spain and the Ministry of Economy and competitiveness.

In accordance with Article 6 of Royal Decree 475/2014, of June 13, on bonuses in Social Security contributions for research personnel, an INNOVATIVE SME is understood to be one that is intensive in R&D&I.

This recognition has been granted to NUTAI thanks to its character and capacity for innovation in its professional activity.

Nutai recognized as an innovative SME by the government of Spain
Factories of the future awards

Factories of the Future Awards "Best Robotics Project Award"

In 2021, we were winners at the Advance Factories Awards , in the category of “Best Robotics Project”, with the Sensitive Skin project.

This project was carried out by NUTAI together with Ford Motor Company, had the purpose of combining the best of traditional robots and collaborative robots, thanks to innovation, research, development (R+D+I) and its applications in industrial robots, it is possible to combine the advantages of both worlds and add a third option, which combines the best of both technologies, increasing the possibilities of automation.


Innovative SME Award

In 2018, in its III Motor Night, the Automotive and Mobility Cluster of the Valencian Community – AVIA – awards the `Innovative SME’ prize to NUTAI. For the granting of this award, the associates value the innovative activity of the Valencian SME that, in 2016, created its own R&D&I department for the development of projects related to Industry 4.0. In the first three years after its creation, this company with less than 50 workers invests 1.2 million euros in R&D&I.

Learn more about our history

NUTAI’s objective, since its creation, has been the integration of new technologies into the industrial fabric.

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First class professionals!!! Very TOP

Manuel Sampedro Pérez “manuelsampedro1”
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Automation with Cobots

Imagine walking into a factory in the future where humans and machines work side by side, sharing tasks efficiently and safely. This is the world