What is a URCap?

In the world of industrial robotics, Universal Robots stands out with its PolyScope platform, a graphical interface that simplifies programming and control of its collaborative robots. One of the key elements that expand PolyScope’s functionality is URCaps, Java-based extensions that allow users to significantly customize and enhance their robotic applications.

URCaps can add new programming screens, templates, and specific functionalities not included by default with PolyScope. This means users can configure their hardware more intuitively, optimize processes such as packaging, and manage operations remotely.

Key Capabilities of URCaps:

  • New Installation Nodes: Configure general settings and application environments, such as end effectors, conveyors, and coordinate systems.
  • Program Nodes: Execute specific commands in a programmed sequence, such as moving the robot to a certain position, closing a gripper, and moving the grabbed object.
  • Toolbars: From PolyScope 5.0 onward, URCaps can contribute new tools to the interface.
  • Daemon Processes: Background executables that extend PolyScope’s capabilities.
  • Program Templates: Combine URCap nodes and integrated program nodes to create efficient workflows.
  • New Variables and Scripting Functions: For advanced users who need greater control and customization.

NUTAI and URCap Development in the Universal Robots Environment

At NUTAI, we develop URCaps to assist you in the automation process with cobots, as well as enhance interaction with your UR robot. Some of our notable developments include:

  • CobotVNC: A URCap that allows remote access to your UR robot within the same local network via VNC. This lets you view the Teach Pendant of your robot from any VNC client device, control and program your UR remotely, and transfer files.
  • MAD Controller: Allows you to control one or multiple external FESTO axes (via CMMT-AS/ST and CMMP-AS motor controllers) from your UR robot. With this software, you can move up to 4 axes to defined points easily and without code, without needing other external components like PLC/HMI.
  • RECDrive: A solution that enables free movement of your collaborative robot without using the Teach Pendant. It facilitates precise point capture and trajectory recording, either manually or automatically, through a convenient button, enhancing the interaction between the operator and the robot.

URCaps represent a powerful tool for Universal Robots users, allowing them to elevate the programming and control of their robots to a new level of customization and efficiency. With the ability to create intuitive interfaces, programming templates, and automated processes, URCaps are essential for any company looking to optimize its robotic operations.

Do you have a project in mind?

Contact us at sales@nutai.com